NVS Digital Editions contain the complete text of each play along with a full collation of textual notes from the earliest editions to the present, including extensive previous commentary. General Editors: Paul Werstine and Eric Rasmussen.
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The Winter's Tale
Editors: Virginia Westling Haas and Robert Kean Turner, with Robert A. Jones, Andrew A. Sabol, and Patricia E. Tatspaugh

A Midsummer Night's Dream
Editors: Judith M. Kennedy and Richard Kennedy, with Susan May, Roberta Barker, and David Nicol

The Comedy of Errors
Editor: Standish Henning after T. W. Baldwin and John Hazel Smith

King Lear
Editor: Richard Knowles, with Kevin Donovan and Paula Glatzer

All's Well that Ends Well
Editor: Jay Halio, with John Quintus after Barbara Millard

Antony and Cleopatra
Editor: Marvin Spevack, with Michael Steppat and Marga Munkelt; with revisions and updates by Michael Steppat

Editors: Hardin Aasand, Nicholas Clary, and Eric Rasmussen, with Marvin Hunt and Laury Magnus after Bernice Kliman, Paul Bertram, Robert Hapgood, and William Hutchings

Henry V
Editor: M. J. Kidnie after George Walton Williams, Thomas L. Berger, and James Loehlin

Julius Caesar
Editor: M.L. Stapleton after John Velz

Merry Wives of Windsor
Editor: Michael Steppat after Gerald Johnson and Jeanne Addison Roberts

Richard The Third
Editors: Mark Farnsworth and Lara Hansen after R. Chris Hassel, Scott Colley, and Ann Jennalie Cook

Romeo and Juliet
Editor: Paul Werstine, with Emily Sugerman after Lester Barber and Gail Kern Paster

The Tempest
Editor: Ian De Jong after Andrew Gurr, Christine Dymkowski, Christopher Hardman, Christopher Wilson, Brent Whitted, and David Mateer

Twelfth Night
Editor: James Schiffer, with Duncan Salkeld, Catherine Lisak, Maria Sequeira Mendes, and John Cunningham after William McAvoy

Two Gentlemen of Verona
Editor: Gabriel Egan after T. H. Howard-Hill, Carol Carlisle, Patti Derrick, and Dana Aspinall