NVS Board
Lena Cowen Orlin, Chair of the NVS Board
Lena Cowen Orlin, Chair of the New Variorum Shakespeare Board, is the author of The Private Life of William Shakespeare (2021), Locating Privacy in Tudor London (2009), and Private Matters and Public Culture in Post-Reformation England (1994). She has edited or co-edited twelve other volumes, including The Bedford Shakespeare (with Russ McDonald, 2014), and is a general editor of the Oxford Shakespeare Topics series, the Arden Shakespeare State of Play series, and the Bloomsbury Early Modern Material Culture series. Currently a Fellow of the Hagler Institute for Advanced Study at Texas A&M University and Professor Emeritus at Georgetown University, she has also served as Executive Director of the Shakespeare Association of America (1996-2018) and Executive Director of the Folger Institute at the Folger Shakespeare Library (1982-1996). She is Vice-Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust and a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society (both UK). Her scholarship has received support from the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, the National Humanities Center, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Yale Center for British Art, the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts at the National Gallery of Art, the Bellagio Study Center, and the Bogliasco Foundation.
Heidi Craig, NVS Board
Heidi Craig is Assistant Professor of English (CLTA) at the University of Toronto. She's the author of Theatre Closure and the Paradoxical Rise of English Renaissance Drama in the Civil Wars (Cambridge University Press, 2023), as well as several articles and chapters on dramatic culture during the theatrical prohibition of 1642-1660. She has also begun another book project on rags and rag-pickers in early modern textual culture. With Sonia Massai, she is the co-creator and co-editor of Early Modern Dramatic Paratexts.
Julia Flanders, NVS Board and Consultant
Julia Flanders is a professor of the practice in English and the director of the Digital Scholarship Group in the Northeastern University Library. She also directs the Women Writers Project and serves as editor in chief of Digital Humanities Quarterly, an open-access, peer-reviewed online journal of digital humanities. She has served as chair of the TEI Consortium and as President of the Association for Computers and the Humanities. Her research interests focus on data modeling, textual scholarship, and humanities data curation.
Alan Galey, NVS Board
Alan Galey is Associate Professor in the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto, cross-appointed to the Department of English, and Director of the collaborative program in Book History and Print Culture. His research and teaching are located at the intersection of media studies, the history of books and reading, and digital textual scholarship. His current research focuses on methods for the bibliographical study of digital texts and artifacts, from ebooks to videogames to digital recordings of musical performances. His first monograph book, The Shakespearean Archive: Experiments in New Media from the Renaissance to Postmodernity, was published in 2014 by Cambridge University Press. He has published articles in journals including Book History, Shakespeare Quarterly, the Canadian Journal of Communication, Literary and Linguistic Computing, Archivaria, and Archival Science. He has also contributed chapters to several scholarly edited collections, and co-edited Shakespeare, the Bible, and the Form of the Book: Contested Scriptures (with Travis DeCook; Routledge, 2011).
Laura Mandell, NVS Board
Laura Mandell is the author of Breaking the Book: Print Humanities in the Digital Age (2015), Misogynous Economies: The Business of Literature in Eighteenth-Century Britain (1999), and, recently, “Gendering Digital Literary History: What Counts for Digital Humanities,” in the New Companion to Digital Humanities (Blackwell 2016). She is Project Director of the Poetess Archive, an online scholarly edition and database of women poets, 1750-1900 (, Acquisitions Editor of 18thConnect (, and Director of ARC (, the Advanced Research Consortium overseeing NINES, 18thConnect, and MESA. She spearheaded the Early Modern OCR project or “eMOP” (, a project concerned with improving OCR for early modern and 18th-c. texts via high performance and cluster computing, and is currently at work on a text-mining project to discover emergent genders in essays and novels comprising the Feminist Controversy debates in England, 1788-1810.
Sarah Neville, NVS Board
is Associate Professor in the departments of English and Theatre, Film, and Media Arts at the Ohio State University. She is the author of Early Modern Herbals and the Book Trade: English Stationers and the Commodification of Botany (Cambridge, 2022). She has published articles on early modern English literature, bibliography, theories of textuality, and performance, chiefly examining the ways that authority is negotiated in print, digital, and live media. She is an assistant editor of the New Oxford Shakespeare (2016-17), for which she edited five plays, associate coordinating editor of the Digital Renaissance Editions, and the creative director of Lord Denney’s Players, an academic theatre company that enables audiences to see how technologies of textual transmission have shaped the reception of Shakespeare’s plays. She is currently at work on an edition of 2 Henry VI for Arden Shakespeare Fourth Series.
Valerie Wayne, NVS Board
Valerie Wayne is Professor Emerita of English at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. She is the editor of Cymbeline for the Arden Shakespeare Third Series (Bloomsbury, 2017), A Trick to Catch the Old One in Thomas Middleton: The Collected Works (Oxford UP, 2007), for which she served as Associate General Editor, and Edmund Tilney’s The Flower of Friendship (Cornell UP, 1992). She has also edited the essay collections Women’s Labour and the History of the Book in Early Modern England (Bloomsbury, 2020), Staging Early Modern Romance (Routledge, 2009, with Mary Ellen Lamb), and The Matter of Difference: Materialist Feminist Criticism of Shakespeare (1991). Her research has been supported by the Folger Shakespeare Library, the National Endowment of Humanities, and the Bogliasco Foundation. From 2008-12 she served on the MLA Committee on the NVS and from 2017-19 on the NVS Working Group. She has been a trustee of the Shakespeare Association of America and in 2000 was President of the Society for the Study of Early Modern Women.
General Editors
Paul Werstine, General Editor and Editor of the New Variorum Edition of Romeo and Juliet
Paul Werstine is Distinguished University Professor of English at King’s University College, University of Western Ontario, Canada. He has spent his career there teaching Shakespeare and Medieval and Renaissance English Literature. He is co-editor of the Folger Library Edition of Shakespeare’s plays and poems (1992-2010). He is also co-general editor, along with Eric Rasmussen, of the New Variorum Shakespeare Edition.
Eric Rasmussen, General Editor and Editor of the New Variorum Edition of Hamlet
Eric Rasmussen is Regents Teaching Professor and Foundation Professor of English at the University of Nevada. He is co-editor with Sir Jonathan Bate of the Royal Shakespeare Company's edition of the Complete Works of William Shakespeare. He is general editor, along with Paul Werstine, of the New Variorum Shakespeare Series and he is a general editor of The Stanford Global Shakespeare Encyclopedia. He has served on the Board of Trustees of the Shakespeare Association of America and on the Council of the Malone Society.
Volume Editors
Ian De Jong, Editor of the New Variorum Edition of The Tempest
Dr. Ian De Jong is an Instructor in the Department of English at the Davidson Academy of Nevada. He is a co-editor of the forthcoming second edition of the RSC Shakespeare: Complete Works. His work, single-authored and co-authored, has appeared in Shakespeare Quarterly, ANQ: American Notes and Queries, the British Library’s Discovering Literature: Shakespeare portal, and The Arden Companion to Shakespeare and Textual Studies. He lives in Reno, Nevada.
Mark Farnsworth, Co-Editor of the New Variorum Edition of Richard The Third
Mark Farnsworth is an English Faculty Member at Brigham Young University-Idaho where he teaches Literature and Composition. He received his PhD in English Literature from the University of Nevada, Reno with a dissertation entitled “John Bale and the National Identity and Church of Tudor England.” Publications to which he has contributed include to The Shakespeare First Folios: A Descriptive Catalogue and Studying Shakespeare’s Contemporaries.
Lara Hansen, Co-Editor of the New Variorum Edition of Richard The Third
Lara Hansen earned her BS, MA, and PhD from the University of Nevada, Reno. Her research primarily focuses on Textual Studies of the Early Modern period. She learned the art of letterpress printing and Book Arts while working in UNR’s Black Rock Press. She has also collated several editions for the New Variorum Hamlet. Lara’s doctoral thesis traced the patterns of First Folio watermarks and presence of uncorrected page states to posit practices of the Jaggards’ print house. She has since continued her textual work by taking courses in descriptive bibliography and book collecting from the California Rare Book School and delivering papers for the Shakespeare Association of America and the World Shakespeare Congress. In addition to Lara’s academic preparation, she has twenty years’ experience in computer support. Lara is currently co-editing the New Variorum Edition of Richard the Third with Dr. Mark Farnsworth.
Judith Kennedy, Editor of the New Variorum Edition of A Midsummer Night's Dream
Judith M. Kennedy (M.A., BLitt., Oxon.) is a professor emeritus of English at St. Thomas University, Fredericton, NB, Canada. She pursued undergraduate and graduate studies at Somerville College, Oxford. Besides STU, she has taught at Goucher College, Maryland and St. Thomas More College, Saskatoon, Sask., Canada. With her NVS co-editor Richard F. Kennedy, she has published the volume on A Midsummer Night’s Dream in the series Shakespeare: The Critical Tradition. She has also edited or published articles on works of Edmund Spenser, George of Montemayor, Barnabe Googe, and John Ford.
Richard F. Kennedy, Editor of the New Variorum Edition of A Midsummer Night's Dream
Richard F. Kennedy (B.A. Windsor, M.A. Western, B.Litt. St. Catherine’s College, Oxford) (1933-2018) was a professor emeritus of English at St. Thomas University, Fredericton, NB Canada. Besides STU, he taught in France and at St. Thomas More College, Saskatoon, Sask. Canada. He was co-editor of the volume on A Midsummer Night’s Dream in the series Shakespeare: The Critical Tradition. His other interests included Seventeenth C. literature, classical epic, and myth in art and literature.
Susan May, Associate Editor of the New Variorum Edition of A Midsummer Night's Dream
Susan H. May is a professor emeritus of English at Longwood University in Farmville, Virginia. She earned degrees in English from Wellesley College--B.A., the University of Delaware--M.A., and the University of Pennsylvania--Ph.D. Before coming to Longwood she taught at Hood College in Frederick, Maryland.
David Nicol, Assistant Editor of the New Variorum Edition of A Midsummer Night's Dream
David Nicol is an Associate Professor at the Fountain School of Performing Arts, Dalhousie University. He is the author of Middleton and Rowley: Forms of Collaboration in the Jacobean Playhouse (2012), and has published articles on the plays of William Rowley in Cahiers Élisabéthains, Comparative Drama, Early Theatre, Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England, Notes and Queries, Shakespeare Bulletin and Studies in English Literature. He is currently creating an edition of Rowley's All's Lost by Lust for Digital Renaissance Editions.
James Schiffer, Editor of the New Variorum Edition of Twelfth Night
James Schiffer is Professor Emeritus of English at the State University of New York at New Paltz, where he also served as Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences from 2008-13. He has published essays on various poems and plays by Shakespeare and has edited collections of essays on Shakespeare's Sonnets (Garland, 1999; Routledge, 2000) and Twelfth Night (Routledge, 2011). In addition to serving as editor of the NVS Twelfth Night, he is currently editing the forthcoming Twelfth Night: Shakespeare: The Critical Tradition (Bloomsbury/Arden Shakespeare Series, 2024). In 1999, he created and directed a show based on selected Sonnets by Shakespeare, Sonnet Variations, which a cast of students and faculty performed at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia and other colleges in Virginia and Georgia and at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in Scotland; he later directed a film version of the show distributed by Films for the Humanities and Sciences (2000). In addition, Schiffer is author of a monograph on contemporary novelist Richard Stern (Twayne/Macmillan, 1993) and co-author (with Susan Schiffer) of Foul Deeds, an academic mystery novel (St. Martin’s, 1989). Working with James Schiffer on the NVS Twelfth Night are Duncan Salkeld, Catherine Lisak, Maria Sequeira Mendes, and John Cunningham.
Duncan Salkeld, Associate Editor of the New Variorum Edition of Twelfth Night
Catherine Lisak, Associate Editor of the New Variorum Edition of Twelfth Night
Dr. Catherine Lisak (Pr.) teaches early modern studies at the Université Bordeaux Montaigne. She is the current editor of Richard II for Linked Early Modern Drama Online (LEMDO). She is the author of a monography on The Duchess of Malfi (Atlande, 2020), the editor of a collection of essays on Twelfth Night (Ellipses, 2024), and as a Guest Editor co-edited a special issue of Etudes anglaises, n°77/1, January 2024, entitled Making Sense of Error in Early Modernity (1595-1646). Lisak’s main field of study is Shakespeare’s drama and philosophy. She publishes regularly on this topic: “A Hand in Imagination and Free Thought in Twelfth Night” (Twelfth Night, Ellipses, 2024, 75-93); “Shocks, surprises, and the paradox of suspense in Hamlet” (135-161) in Mises en je(u) de ‘Hamlet, Prince of Denmark’ (PU Paris Nanterre, 2023); “‘Comment le mal vient aux hommes’ ou l’ambivalence vive chez Shakespeare” (199-222) in Shakespeare, lointain et proche. Hommage à Richard Marienstras (Hermann, 2023); “Shakespeare et le philosophe spéculatif” (43-58) in Shakespeare et les philosophes (Mancius, 2023); “L’emprise de la volonté dans le Roi Lear” (405-418) in Shakespeare au risque de la Philosophie (Hermann, 2017); “Domesticating Strangeness in Twelfth Night” (167-183) in Twelfth Night: New Critical Essays (Routledge, 2011). Lisak publishes on epistemology: “The Structural Significance of Errors in Francis Bacon’s Natural Philosophy”, Etudes anglaises, n°77/1, 2024, 59-80; “‘A fit companion for my side’: the Virtue of the Companion Cat in Early Modern / post-Reformation Narratives”, Caliban: French Journal of English Studies, 64 | 2020, 123-145). She also explores the Bible’s influence on early modern literature. See: “Scriptural faces and dramatic encounters in King Richard II”, The Glass, n°30, 2018, 3-10; and her contributions to the Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception Online (entries “Omniscience | VI. Literature” – EBR Volume 22, 2024, 334-336; “Mirror | V. Literature” – EBR Volume 18, 2021, 340-360; “Man, Men | VII. Literature” – EBR Volume 17, 2019, 672-681). Lisak has also translated two short stories by Virginia Woolf: “Kew Gardens” (25-37) and “Moment: nuit d’été” (179-187) in Les meilleures nouvelles de Virginia Woolf, Nouvelles traductions (Saint Amboise, 2019).
Maria Sequeira Mendes, Associate Editor of the New Variorum Edition of Twelfth Night
John Cunningham, Associate Editor of the New Variorum Edition of Twelfth Night
M.L. Stapleton, Editor of the New Variorum Edition of Julius Caesar
M.L. Stapleton is Chapman Distinguished Professor of English at Purdue University, Fort Wayne, a position he has held since 2004. He has been editor of the New Variorum Julius Caesar since 2005.
Michael Steppat, Editor of the New Variorum Edition of The Merry Wives of Windsor
(Dr. phil.) has been serving as Chair of Literature in English at the University of Bayreuth, Germany. He holds an additional Professorial position of honor in Moscow from the Russian Federation’s Ministry of Higher Education and Science, and has been appointed regular international faculty member at Shanghai International Studies University. He has been awarded recurrent Fellowships at Folger Shakespeare Library, also periodic scholar-in-residence positions at John W. Kluge Center, Library of Congress. He is a project director in the national Excellence Strategy research cluster Africa Multiple since 2019, the cluster focus being “Travelling Knowledge and Trans*textuality.” Steppat has co-edited the New Variorum Antony and Cleopatra and edited The Merry Wives of Windsor. His other book publications include Literature and Interculturality (3 vols.); Honor, Face and Violence: Cross-Cultural Literary Representations of Honor Cultures and Face Cultures; Chances of Mischief: Variations of Fortune in Spenser; The Critical Reception of Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra; editions of several Renaissance Latin dramas; and a monograph on the early work of St. Augustine of Hippo.
Margaret Jane Kidnie, Editor of the New Variorum Edition of Henry V
Margaret Jane Kidnie is Professor of English at the University of Western Ontario. She has written articles on early modern manuscripts, textual studies, and editorial practices, and she is author of Shakespeare and the Problem of Adaptation and co-editor of Textual Performances: The Modern Reproduction of Shakespeare’s Drama and Shakespeare and Textual Studies. Her edition of Philip Stubbes: The Anatomie of Abuses won Honorable Mention from the MLA’s Committee on Scholarly Editions, and she has also edited Jonson for Oxford University Press and Heywood’s A Woman Killed with Kindness for Arden Early Modern Drama. She is currently editing Hamlet for Arden 4 and co-General Editing (with Sonia Massai and Gillian Woods) the Cambridge Shakespeare Editions.
Hardin Aasand, Editor of the New Variorum Edition of Hamlet
Hardin Aasand is Professor of English and Chair of the Department of English and Linguistics at Purdue University-Fort Wayne. He has edited a collection of essays titled Stage Directions in Hamlet (2003), an edition of The Winter’s Tale for Broadview Press (2014), and the forthcoming Hamlet: The Critical Tradition, volume 1 from Bloomsbury Press (Arden Shakespeare series). In addition, he is also one of the co-editors of the New Variorum Hamlet for the New Variorum Shakespeare. He has published essays on a variety of Shakespeare drama, the court masques of Ben Jonson, and Jacobean court entertainments in a number of publications. Currently, he is examining the presence of divine singularities in Donne, Herbert, and Shakespeare and editing The Two Noble Kinsmen for the Internet Shakespeare Editions.
Nick Clary, Editor of the New Variorum Edition of Hamlet
Nick Clary (PhD. University of Notre Dame) is a Professor Emeritus of English at Saint Michael’s College, Vermont. He is co-editor of the website and has served on the Board of Directors for the Vermont Shakespeare Festival and on the Advisory Board for SHAKSPER. Scholarship and research includes essays, book chapters, reviews, and conference presentations that focus mainly on Shakespeare and on Hamlet, in particular.
Gabriel Egan, Editor of the New Variorum Edition of The Two Gentlemen of Verona
Gabriel Egan is Professor of Shakespeare Studies and Director of the Centre for Textual Studies at De Montfort University in Leicester, England. He is a General Editor of the New Oxford Shakespeare (in six volumes, 2016-) and a co-editor of the journal "Theatre Notebook." He teaches letterpress printing and the use of computational methods in literary and historical studies.
Digital Editors
Robb Stagg, Principal Investigator
Robert Stagg is Assistant Professor of English at Texas A&M University where he serves as Director of the New Variorum Shakespeare. He is the author of Shakespeare's Blank Verse: An Alternative History (OUP, 2022) as well as numerous scholarly articles and chapters.
Katayoun Torabi, Digital Editor
Katayoun Torabi is the Digital Editor of the New Variorum Shakespeare and an Instructional Associate Professor of English at Texas A&M University. She specializes in Old and Middle English Literature, with research and teaching interests in the Digital Humanities. Her most recent publications include “Modeling a Factoid Prosopography with TEI and Linked Data,” co-authored with Daniel Schwartz and Nathan Gibson in the Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative; “Asceticism in Old English and Syriac Soul and Body Narratives” in Humanities; and “if (not “Quantize, Click, and Conclude”) {DigitalMethodsInMedievalStudies();},” in Meeting the Medieval in a Digital World (Arc Humanities Press, 2018). Her current project centers on connections between purgatory and prison in medieval literature.
Kris L. May, Associate Digital Editor
Kris L. May is Associate Digital Editor of the New Variorum Shakespeare. He is former Associate Editor of the World Shakespeare Bibliography and holds a Ph.D. in English.
Dorothy Todd, Associate Digital Editor
Dorothy Todd is an Instructional Assistant Professor of English at Texas A&M University. She specializes in early modern English drama, with research and teaching interests in Shakespeare, material culture, and adaptation and appropriation. She is currently editing Thomas Heywood’s Londini Status Pacatus: or, London’s Peaceable Estate (1639 text) for The Map of Early Modern London. Her book project focuses on how Shakespeare’s plays foreground changing understandings of time and temporality in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries.
Research & Design
Bryan Tarpley, Technical Editor
is Associate Research Scientist for Critical Infrastructure Studies at the Center of Digital Humanities Research at Texas A&M University. His work in the digital humanities involves building data management tools that cater to humanities research. He holds a B.A. in Computer Science and a Ph.D. in English, where his scholarship focuses on affect theory in contemporary literature.
Scott Kleinman, Associate Technical Editor
Scott Kleinman is a Professor of English and Director of the Center for Digital Humanities at California State University, Northridge. His research interests are in medieval literature and the history of the English language, and more generally in the application of digital technologies in the study of text. He was recently co-director of the WhatEvery1Says Project (, which studies media discourse about the Humanities. Currently, he is the lead designer/developer of the Lexos text analysis software (, which lowers the barriers to entry for Humanities students and scholars new to computational techniques or who wish to use these techniques for the study of early languages and literatures.
Kayley Hart, Program Coordinator for CoDHR, Designer
Kayley Hart is the Program Coordinator for the Center of Digital Humanities Research. She holds an MA in English from Texas A&M University.
Lindsey Jones, PhD Candidate and Graduate Assistant Research
Lindsey Jones is a PhD candidate in the department of English at Texas A&M University. Her scholarly interests include early modern English drama, the history of the book, materiality, canonicity, and the digital humanities. Her dissertation, tentatively titled “‘With the losers let it sympathize’: Shakespeare in Collection and the Formation of the Canon,” focuses on the relationship between seventeenth-century printed collections of Shakespeare’s works and the creation of the early modern dramatic canon. She has been a doctoral fellow with the World Shakespeare Bibliography Online and with the Early Modern Dramatic Paratexts digital resource and previously worked with the NVS as a graduate research fellow through Texas A&M’s Hagler Institute for Advanced Study; currently she rejoins the NVS as a Graduate Research Assistant.
Inhoo Kim, Graduate Assistant Research
Inhoo Kim is a Ph.D. student in the Department of English at Texas A&M University. Her research interests include early modern literature, gender studies, textual studies, and digital humanities. She is currently focused on studying early modern women’s life writings and manuscript culture.
Student Research Assistants
Grace Hoelescher, Undergraduate Professional and Research Experience Program (UPREP) Student Researcher, English
Alexandra Blue, Undergraduate Professional and Research Experience Program (UPREP) Student Researcher, English
Brandon Delgado, Student Research Intern
Framingham State University, English
Former Contributors
Matt Cohen, NVS Board
Matt Cohen teaches in the Department of English at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and is a Fellow in the Center for Digital Research in the Humanities there. He is the author of The Networked Wilderness: Communicating in Early America, and the co-editor, with Jeffrey Glover, of Colonial Mediascapes: Sensory Worlds of the Early Americas. With Kenneth M. Price and Ed Folsom, he co-directs the Walt Whitman Archive (; and with Price and Stephanie Browner, co-edits the Charles W. Chesnutt Archive (
Anne Burdick, Site Designer
Anne Burdick is a Research Professor in the School of Design at the University of Technology Sydney where she is co-director of the Knowledge Design Lab. Her practice-based research explores new forms of knowledge production through the design of media, visualisations, interfaces and publications. She collaborated with the Commission for Non-Literary Text Types at the Austrian Academy of Sciences on the design of the Austrian Academy Corpus, the Fackel Wörterbuch: Redensarten, and the Fackel Schimpfwörterbuch, with N. Katherine Hayles on the design of Writing Machines. She was co-author, with Johanna Drucker, Peter Lunenfeld, Todd Presner, and Jeffrey Schnapp, of Digital_Humanities (MIT Press, 2012) and was design editor of for over twenty years.
Will McLean, Frontend Developer
Will McLean is a front-end developer and interaction designer who holds a Bachelor's Degree in Design (Visual Communication) from University of Technology, Sydney.
Jade Gooden, Student Research Assistant
Undergraduate Student, Anthropology
Shyam Prasad Nagulavancha, Student Research Assistant
MS Student, Computer Science
Mounika Balivada, Student Research Assistant
MS Student, Computer Science ,
Andrew Hoyt, Student Research Assistant
Strategic Transformative Research Program Fellow, Applied Mathematics with a Computational Science emphasis
Fernando Gonzalez Torres, Student Research Assistant
Undergraduate Student, Industrial Engineering
Kaitlin Carman, Student Research Intern
Framingham State University, English