
"Much Ado About Shakespeare: Department Of English Inherits Project 150 Years In The Making"

April 8, 2024

TAMU College of Arts and Sciences featured the NVS and the Folio Futures Symposium in a news article, titled "Much Ado About Shakespeare: Department Of English Inherits Project 150 Years In The Making." You can read the article Here.  

NVS Editors and Board Members to Attend SAA 2024

March 15, 2024

The Fifty-Second Annual Meeting of the Shakespeare Association of America (SAA) is being held in Portland, Oregon from Wednesday, 10 April to Saturday, 13 April 2024. NVS contributors scheduled to present include Roberta Barker (volume editor for NVS A Midsummer Night’s Dream) will participate in the Measure for Measure and Its Cultural Currency Seminar on April 11th; Valerie Wayne (NVS Board) will participate in the Early Modern Book History: The State of the Field Seminar on April 11th; Michael Stapleton (volume editor for NVS Julius Caesar) will present his digital exhibit, Historic Shakespeare Editions! on April 12th; Robert Stagg (NVS PI) will participate in the Shakespeare’s Poems in Context(s) Seminar on April 12th; Paul Werstine (NVS General Editor and volume editor for NVS Romeo and Juliet) will participate in the Whither Memorial Reconstruction? Seminar on April 13th; Lara Hansen-Morse (volume editor for NVS Richard III) will participate in the Shakespeare and Textual Failure Seminar on April 13th; and Dorothy Todd (NVS Associate Digital Editor) will participate in the Sensorium of Early Modern Science Seminar on April 13th. See the full conference shedule Here

Dr. Maura Ives Appointed Director of CoDHR

March 1, 2024

After having served a successful year as Interim Director of the Center of Digital Humanities Research (CoDHR), Dr. Ives has been appointed by the College of Arts and Sciences as CoDHR Director, effective immediately. 

Dr. Ives has been an advocate for Digital Humanities (DH) at Texas A&M for nearly two decades and is a major supporter of the NVS. She was instrumental in transitioning the project into the English Department, and thanks to her generous support, CoDHR has funded student researchers for transcription and ingestion error correction for the NVS over the past year. Student researchers this academic year are Jade Gooden (Anthropology, Undergraduate), Andrew Hoyt (Applied Mathematics with a Computer Science emphasis, Undergraduate), and Fernando Gonzalez Torres (Industrial Engineering, Undergraduate). Former student researchers include Mounika Balivada (CS, Graduate) and Shyam Prasad Nagulavancha (CS, Graduate). CoDHR will continue support for three student workers for the NVS through Summer 2024.  

The NVS Moves into English Department at A&M and Welcomes Two New Editors

Feb. 20, 2024

The New Variorum Shakespeare project has officially moved into the English Department! The NVS dates back to 1871, when Horace Howard Furness published the first New Variorum Edition of Romeo and Juliet. Furness and his son continued working on editions until the MLA acquired the project in 1933, printing editions through 2020. In 2019 the MLA began the process of moving the project to A&M, where the Center of Digital Humanities Research has been printing new editions digitally, beginning with two open access digital editions of The Winter’s Tale and A Midsummer Night’s Dream. With plans to expand the project by executing 19 contracts with editorial teams for forthcoming editions of 16 plays, the NVS project has moved into the English Department and added two new digital editors to the team. Dr. Dorothy Todd and Dr. Kris May joined digital editor Dr. Katayoun Torabi as associate digital editors. Thanks to the efforts of the English Department, CoDHR, the NVS General Editors and Board of Directors, and Dr. Maura Ives (CoDHR Director), the NVS will remain in the English Department and plans to add a new principal investigator, starting in the Fall 2024 semester. More to come!

The NVS Receives Funding for Undergraduate Professional and Research Experience Program (UPREP)

Jan. 15, 2024

Each semester, the Department of English selects 5-7 faculty projects for the UPREP program, which pairs undergraduate English majors with faculty members on selected projects outside of the classroom. Student involvement can range from working as an editorial or research assistant to aiding in the preparation for an academic conference. The Undergraduate Studies Committee voted on and approved funding for the NVS research proposal titled “Building Digital Editions of the New Variorum Shakespeare.” Grace Hoelscher will be working with Dr. Kris May, Dr. Katayoun Torabi, and Dr. Dorothy Todd on all aspects of digital editing for the NVS project during the Spring 2024 semester. 

NVS General Editor Dr. Eric Rasmussen Featured in First Folio PBS Documentary

Nov. 7, 2023

NVS General Editor, NVS Hamlet Volume Editor, and Regents Teaching Professor and Foundation Professor of English at the University of Nevada, Reno Dr. Eric Rasmussen appears in the PBS documentary "Great Performances - Making Shakespeare: The First Folio,” which airs in College Station on November 17, 2023. Click on the above image to watch the trailer and access the episode Here.

The Christian Science Monitor Interviews NVS General Editor Dr. Eric Rasmussen

Nov. 1, 2023

To celebrate the 400th anniversary of the printing of Shakespeare's First Folio, the Christan Science Monitor interviewed NVS General Editor Dr. Eric Rasmussen, in an article titled "Uncovering Shakespeare’s rare First Folios – paw prints and all." Eric Rasmussen who has been called "the Robert Langdon of the Shakespearean world" by the Washington Post "has traveled the globe to investigate and authenticate Shakespeare First Folios." His work has been featured the New York Times, USA Today, The Guardian, NPR, CNN, the BBC, and will be showcased in an upcoming PBS Great Performances documentary later this month. To learn more about some of Eric's most interesting finds, read the article Here.